Complete documents faster and reduce costs with eSign
Give your customers the convenience and speed of eSignature
How it works
Streamline your most important transactions with online notarization, identity proofing, and eSignature in one platform. Use eSign when speed matters most.
1. Request an eSigned document
Email a document from the Proof platform, trigger a request through our API, or have your customer upload a PDF or scan a paper document. Send a unique document one time, or create a template for sending documents to multiple signers.
2. Send to your customer
Your signer will receive an email and text message with a hyperlink to view their document.
3. Customer completes document
Signer logs in to Proof, creates their electronic signature, and eSigns the document.
4. Access and download completed document
You and your customer will have immediate access to the completed document. You both can return to the Proof platform any time to access past documents and upload new ones.
eSign use cases
Streamline your operations with eSign
The benefits of eSign
Improve your customers’ experience
Your customers expect convenient and fast digital experiences. With Proof, you’ll give them the ability to eSign important documents on any device, anywhere.
Increase business efficiency
Create, manage, send, and collect documents faster than ever before. With Proof, your team can create and send eSign document templates in bulk to increase operational efficiency.
Collect agreements faster
Cut down on the time delay between sending a document and getting it returned. Say goodbye to asking your customer to drive to your office or mailing a physical document.
Raise the bar on operational efficiency
Start using the platform today for trust in every transaction